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WordPress Integration

Last updated on March 25, 2024

WordPress Plugin

You can easily use a shortcode to shorten links with our WordPress plugin. You just need to download it below and upload it in WordPress and that is it. There is no need to configure it as it will be already configured for you. All of your links will be saved in your account.

Do not share this plugin with anyone you do not trust as they will have access to the full API and essentially your account.


  1. Download the plugin below
  2. Go to WordPress Admin Plugins Add New Upload Plugin
  3. Upload the plugin named and activate it. The plugin will be named Link Shortener Shortcode.

Download Plugin

WordPress Shortcode Function

You can now shorten links directly from WordPress using shortcode. If you don't want to upload a plugin, you can use this method. It is very easy to setup and it works with all versions of WordPress and with any theme. All links you will shorten will be safely stored in your account.


  1. Copy your unique php code below
  2. Go to WordPress Admin Appearance Theme File Editor
  3. On the right side, under Theme Files, find and click on Theme Functions (functions.php)
  4. Paste the code below at the very end of the file and save

Your Unique Code

Do not share this code with anyone you do not trust as they will have access to the full API and essentially your account.

See WordPress Shortcode Functions


The following code will apply the shortcode "shorturl" to the system and you will be able to use the following format.


You can also use the shortcode in html.

<a href="[shorturl][/shorturl]">Google</a>

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